Hollywood Studio District Board regular meeting March 8, 2021 Virtual Meeting Approved on April 12, 2021 [6:32 pm] Meeting called to order. John Franklin Sierra presiding. [6:32 pm] The roll was called. Present (12): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Guy Langman, Bill Murphy, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Absent (4): Milton Cruz, Kate Pynoos, Rosalinda Sierra, and Theodore Wachtel [6:34 pm] John Sierra gave a report from the chair. [6:36 pm] Sean Starkey gave a report from Councilmember O'Farrell's office. [6:49 pm] Erin Seinfeld gave a report from the Supervisor Kuehl's office. [6:55 pm] Kate Pynoos arrived at the meeting [6:57 pm] Mario Hernandez gave a report from the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. [7:00 pm] Doug Haines gave a report from the PLUM Committee. [7:03 pm] Michael Tessler gave a report from the Public Safety Committee. [7:07 pm] On agenda item VII.A., a motion was made to "Approve the February 8, 2021 meeting minutes." [7:07 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the February 8, 2021 meeting minutes." Ayes (13): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Guy Langman, Bill Murphy, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:09 pm] On agenda item VII.B., a motion was made to "Approve the MER for January 2021." [7:09 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the MER for January 2021." Ayes (13): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Guy Langman, Bill Murphy, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:12 pm] On agenda item VIII, Anthony Conley made a motion to "Approve budget reallocation of $10,000 General Expenditures/Outreach to Neighborhood Purpose Grants." [7:12 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve budget reallocation of $10,000 General Expenditures/Outreach to Neighborhood Purpose Grants." Ayes (13): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Guy Langman, Bill Murphy, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:14 pm] Anthony Conley announced that he was recusing himself from the discussion on item X because he is an employee of Covenant House. [7:15 pm] Anthony Conley left the meeting [7:16 pm] On agenda item X, Kate Pynoos made a motion to "Approve Neighborhood Purpose Grant for up to $5,000 for Covenant House CA." [7:16 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve Neighborhood Purpose Grant for up to $5,000 for Covenant House CA." Ayes (12): Damien Burke, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Guy Langman, Bill Murphy, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (0): none Recused (1): Anthony Conley The motion passed. [7:30 pm] Anthony Conley arrived at the meeting [7:31 pm] On agenda item XI, John Franklin Sierra made a motion to "Ratify the appointment of Lauren Meserve to the HSDNC Youth Committee." [7:31 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Ratify the appointment of Lauren Meserve to the HSDNC Youth Committee." Ayes (13): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Guy Langman, Bill Murphy, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:37 pm] On agenda item XII, a motion was made to "Submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of CF 21-0031." [7:37 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of CF 21-0031." Ayes (10): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Frankie Holt, Guy Langman, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (2): Doug Haines and Dasler Jimenez The motion passed. [7:43 pm] Bill Murphy left the meeting [8:22 pm] On agenda item XV, a motion was made to "Submit the resolution as read as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0113." [8:22 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Submit the resolution as read as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0113." Ayes (10): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Frankie Holt, Guy Langman, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (1): Doug Haines Abstentions (1): Dasler Jimenez The motion passed. [8:45 pm] On agenda item XIV, a motion was made to "Submit the resolution as read/as amended as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0051." [8:45 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Submit the resolution as read/as amended as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0051." Ayes (11): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, Laura Graves, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Guy Langman, Kate Pynoos, Benjamin Rosen, John Franklin Sierra, and Michael Tessler Noes (0): none Abstentions (1): Doug Haines The motion passed. [8:56 pm] Kate Pynoos announced a biweekly homeless outreach with SELAH and CHNC. [8:57 pm] Anthony Conley announced a flower-planting event at Second Home with Covenant House. [8:58 pm] John Sierra announced a program to reduce the involvement of law enforcement to behavioral health crises. [8:59 pm] Michael Tessler announced a supply drive for the ENGAGE program. [9:01 pm] Meeting adjourned. The neighborhood council does not count abstentions as votes.