Hollywood Studio District Board regular meeting Abril 12, 2021 Virtual Meeting Approved on Mayo 18, 2021 [6:46 pm] Meeting called to order. John Sierra presiding. [6:48 pm] Sean Starkey administered the oath of office to the new HSDNC board. [6:57 pm] En el punto de la II B, se hizo una moción para "Elect Anthony Conley as Chairperson of the HSDNC Board." [6:57 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Elect Anthony Conley as Chairperson of the HSDNC Board." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:02 pm] En el punto de la II B, se hizo una moción para "Elect Laura Graves as Vice Chairperson of the HSDNC Board." [7:02 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Elect Laura Graves as Vice Chairperson of the HSDNC Board." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:04 pm] En el punto de la II B, se hizo una moción para "Elect Damien Burke as Secretary of the HSDNC Board." [7:04 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Elect Damien Burke as Secretary of the HSDNC Board." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:08 pm] En el punto de la II B, se hizo una moción para "Elect Samir Srivastava as Treasurer of the HSDNC Board." [7:08 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Elect Samir Srivastava as Treasurer of the HSDNC Board." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:12 pm] En el punto de la II C, se hizo una moción para "Appoint Anthony Conley as HSDNC Bank Card Holder." [7:12 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Appoint Anthony Conley as HSDNC Bank Card Holder." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:13 pm] En el punto de la II C, se hizo una moción para "Appoint Damien Burke as HSDNC second signer." [7:13 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Appoint Damien Burke as HSDNC second signer." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:16 pm] En el punto de la II D, se hizo una moción para "Appoint Michael Tessler as Chair of the Public Safety Committee." [7:16 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Appoint Michael Tessler as Chair of the Public Safety Committee." Ayes (11): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none Abstentions (1): Michael Tessler The motion passed. [7:19 pm] En el punto de la II D, Kate Pynoos hizo una moción para "Appoint Damien Burke as Chair of the Bylaws, Selection, and Election Committee." [7:19 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Appoint Damien Burke as Chair of the Bylaws, Selection, and Election Committee." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:20 pm] En el punto de la II D, Damien Burke hizo una moción para "Ratify Kate Pynoos and Michael Tessler as members of the Bylaws, Selection and Election Committee" [7:20 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Ratify Kate Pynoos and Michael Tessler as members of the Bylaws, Selection and Election Committee" Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:22 pm] En el punto de la II D, Michael Tessler hizo una moción para "Ratify Damien Burke, Text Watchtel, Guy Langman, Frankie Holt, and Laura Graves as members of the Public Safety Committee." [7:22 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Ratify Damien Burke, Text Watchtel, Guy Langman, Frankie Holt, and Laura Graves as members of the Public Safety Committee." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:25 pm] En el punto de la II D, Kate Pynoos hizo una moción para "Appoint Kate Pynoos as Chair of the Outreach Committee." [7:25 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Appoint Kate Pynoos as Chair of the Outreach Committee." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:26 pm] En el punto de la II D, Kate Pynoos hizo una moción para "Ratify the appointment of Doug Haines, Allison Brotherton, Micheal Tessler, Dassler Jimenez, and Senator Zavala to the Outreach Committee." [7:26 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Ratify the appointment of Doug Haines, Allison Brotherton, Micheal Tessler, Dassler Jimenez, and Senator Zavala to the Outreach Committee." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:29 pm] En el punto de la II D, Doug Haines hizo una moción para "Appoint Doug Haines as Chair of the Planning and Land Use Management Committee." [7:29 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Appoint Doug Haines as Chair of the Planning and Land Use Management Committee." Ayes (9): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (1): Laura Graves Abstentions (2): Doug Haines y Kate Pynoos The motion passed. [7:32 pm] En el punto de la II D, Doug Haines hizo una moción para "Ratify Brian Curran, Charlie Fisher, Frankie Holt, Rosalinda Sierra, and Samir Srivastava as members of the Planning and Land Use Committee." [7:32 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Ratify Brian Curran, Charlie Fisher, Frankie Holt, Rosalinda Sierra, and Samir Srivastava as members of the Planning and Land Use Committee." Ayes (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:36 pm] The roll was called. Present (12): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, Ted Wachtel, y Senator Zavala Absent (1): Guy Langman [7:39 pm] Sean Starkey gave a report from Councilmember O'Farrell's office. [8:00 pm] Ted Wachtel left the meeting [8:01 pm] Erin Seinfeld gave a report from County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl's office. [8:08 pm] Matt Popieluch from Universal Waste Systems gave a presentation on recycLA. [8:28 pm] Doug Haines gave a report from the PLUM Committee. [8:30 pm] Damien Burke gave a report from the Bylaws, Selection, and Election Committee. [8:31 pm] Anthony Conley gave a report from the Budget and Finance Committee. [8:32 pm] En el punto de la VIII, Michael Tessler hizo una moción para "Approve the minutes of the March 8, 2021 Board meeting." [8:32 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the minutes of the March 8, 2021 Board meeting." Ayes (11): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [8:34 pm] En el punto de la VIII B, Michael Tessler hizo una moción para "Approve the Monthly Expenditure Report for February 2021." [8:34 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the Monthly Expenditure Report for February 2021." Ayes (9): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, y Michael Tessler Noes (0): none Ineligible (2): Alison Brotherton y Senator Zavala The motion passed. [8:37 pm] En el punto de la XII, Michael Tessler hizo una moción para "Ratify the appointment of Brandy Chagolla as a member of the Public Safety Committee." [8:37 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Ratify the appointment of Brandy Chagolla as a member of the Public Safety Committee." Ayes (11): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Frankie Holt, Dasler Jimenez, Kate Pynoos, Samir Srivastava, Michael Tessler, y Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [8:39 pm] Senator Zavala, Alison Brotherton, Samir Srivastava introduced themselves to the HSDNC. [8:43 pm] Damien Burke announced the process for getting HSDNC emails for new Board members. [8:44 pm] Kate Pynoos announced an outreach program with SELAH and CHNC to unhoused residents. [8:45 pm] Anthony Conley announced Earth Week programs at Covenant House. [8:47 pm] John Sierra announced an alternative crisis response program. [8:50 pm] Meeting adjourned. La junta vecinal no computa como votos las abstenciones.