Hollywood Studio District Board reuniĆ³n ordinaria Julio 12, 2021 6:00 pm Virtual Meeting 8a Approve the May 18, 2021 meeting minutes 8b Approve MER for May 2021 8c Approve MER for June 2021 8d Approve the HSDNC Administrative Packet Annual Budget 2021 - 2022 8e 2nd Bank Cardholder 8f Bylaws "Ex-official" typo 8g Ad-hoc committee quorum 8h Reduce barriers to voting in HSDNC elections 8i Reduce barriers for HSDNC residents to become HSDNC board members 9a Appoint Sarah Serrano 10a Sidewalk Project NPG 10b Lending Relief NPG 10c Benekit NPG 11c LAPD officer-involved explosion