Hollywood Studio District Board special meeting Mayo 21, 2022 Draft minutes — not yet approved [1:07 pm] Meeting called to order. Mario Hernandez presiding. [1:07 pm] The roll was called. Present (10): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Kamal Hassan, Cathy Hood, Kali Mutty, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, y Senator Zavala Absent (2): Alison Brotherton y Frankie Holt [1:09 pm] Mario Hernandez, Monica Aquino, and Jose Galdamez made a presentation from the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. [2:10 pm] Frankie Holt arrived at the meeting [2:11 pm] Alison Brotherton arrived at the meeting [2:58 pm] The board took a five minute recess. [3:05 pm] The board reconvened with all board members present. [4:13 pm] Meeting adjourned. La junta vecinal no computa como votos las abstenciones.