Hollywood Studio District Board regular meeting June 13, 2022 Approved on July 11, 2022 [6:31 am] Meeting called to order. Michael Tessler presiding. [6:31 pm] The roll was called. Present (9): Alison Brotherton, Anthony Conley, Doug Haines, Kamal Hassan, Frankie Holt, Kali Mutty, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, and Senator Zavala Absent (3): Damien Burke, Laura Graves, and Cathy Hood [6:35 pm] Laura Graves arrived at the meeting [6:41 pm] Nedu Meru, representing Star LLC, and Doug Haines gave public comment regarding a development project in Hollywood [6:50 pm] Damien Burke arrived at the meeting [6:52 pm] On agenda item 5b, Alison Brotherton made a motion to "Approve the minutes of the May 19, 2022 board meeting." [6:53 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the minutes of the May 19, 2022 board meeting." Ayes (11): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Kamal Hassan, Frankie Holt, Cathy Hood, Kali Mutty, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, and Senator Zavala Noes (0): none Recused (1): Doug Haines The motion passed. [6:54 pm] On agenda item 3, Quenton Richards made a motion to "Approve the minutes of the May 21, 2022 board meeting." [6:54 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the minutes of the May 21, 2022 board meeting." Ayes (11): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Kamal Hassan, Frankie Holt, Cathy Hood, Kali Mutty, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, and Senator Zavala Noes (0): none Abstentions (1): Alison Brotherton The motion passed. [6:56 pm] Mario Hernandez gave a report from DoNE. [7:00 pm] Nitzan Levinson spoke regarding her application to be appointed to the HSDNC board. [7:06 pm] On agenda item 6c, Kamal Hassan made a motion to "Accept Nitzen Levinson's application to be appointed to the HSDNC board." [7:07 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Accept Nitzen Levinson's application to be appointed to the HSDNC board." Ayes (10): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Doug Haines, Kamal Hassan, Frankie Holt, Kali Mutty, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, and Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:09 pm] Hayden Bernard spoke regarding his application to be appointed to the HSDNC board. [7:15 pm] On agenda item 6d, Alison Brotherton made a motion to "Accept Hayden Bernard's application to be appointed to the HSDNC board." [7:16 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Accept Hayden Bernard's application to be appointed to the HSDNC board." Ayes (10): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Kamal Hassan, Frankie Holt, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, and Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:19 pm] On agenda item 6e, Frankie Holt made a motion to "Direct the Executive Committee to fill out and submit the 2023 Elections Information Worksheet." [7:21 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Direct the Executive Committee to fill out and submit the 2023 Elections Information Worksheet." Ayes (10): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Kamal Hassan, Frankie Holt, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, and Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:22 pm] On agenda item 7a, Damien Burke made a motion to "Approve the Monthly Expenditure Report for May 2022." [7:22 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the Monthly Expenditure Report for May 2022." Ayes (10): Alison Brotherton, Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Laura Graves, Doug Haines, Kamal Hassan, Frankie Holt, Quenton Richards, Michael Tessler, and Senator Zavala Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:25 pm] Michael Tessler made an announcement about the Paul Williams week of service. [7:28 pm] Doug Haines made an announcement about the Star project. [7:30 pm] Meeting adjourned. The neighborhood council does not count abstentions as votes