Hollywood Studio District Bylaws, Selection, & Election Committee regular meeting December 7, 2020 6:00 pm Teleconference meeting. Attend through Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/98253890617) or by phone (1-669-900-6833, meeting id 982 5389 0617) 1 Call to Order 2 Roll Call 3 Welcome Remarks 4 General Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items Comments from the public on non-agenda items within the committee’s jurisdiction. 5 New Business “Agendas for all Meetings shall include an item referring to the addition of agenda items for upcoming Meetings. Stakeholders shall have the opportunity to request items be placed on upcoming agendas at this time.” HSDNC Bylaws (art. VIII, sec. 2, par A) 6 Approval of the minutes 7 Board Vacancies “Any stakeholder interested in filling a vacant seat shall also present themselves at a Bylaws, Selection, and Elections Committee meeting to receive a formal recommendation to the Board. During the meeting, the committee shall ensure that the applicant meets the criteria for the vacant seat” HSDNC Bylaws (art. V, sec. 6, par. B) 8 Bylaws Updates The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) has amended the HSDNC Bylaws to bring it into compliance with changes to the City Charter, specifically the Community Interest Stakeholder Ordinance (186761) and the Uniform Age Ordinance (186760). The substantive changes are to: the Stakeholder definition in Article IV, the Minimum Voting Age in Article X, Section 3, the ages in “Eligibility to Run for the Seat” column of Attachment B, and the date approved on the title page and in the footer. DONE is requesting that the HSDNC approve the ratification of the newly amended bylaws. 9 Announcements 10 Adjournment