Hollywood Studio District Executive Committee regular meeting Diciembre 7, 2020 Zoom Approved on Enero 4, 2021 [7:08 pm] Meeting called to order. John Franklin Sierra presiding. [7:08 pm] The roll was called. Present (3): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, y John Franklin Sierra Absent (1): Grace Contangco [7:10 pm] Grace Contangco arrived at the meeting [7:11 pm] Se hizo una mociĆ³n para "Approve the minutes of the November 2, 2020 meeting" [7:11 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve the minutes of the November 2, 2020 meeting" Ayes (4): Damien Burke, Anthony Conley, Grace Contangco, y John Franklin Sierra Noes (0): none The motion passed. [7:38 pm] Damien Burke announced that the candidate filing for the upcoming HSDNC election is open until December 28. [7:40 pm] Grace Contangco announced that the toy distribution will be on December 18th. [7:42 pm] Meeting adjourned.