Los Feliz Board reuniĆ³n ordinaria Noviembre 17, 2020 7:30 pm Via Zoom: http://www.losfeliznc.org/event/meeting Via Facebook Live: www.facebook.org/losfeliznc 8.A.i Approve a CIS in support of CF 19-1527 MOTION: Approve a CIS in support of CF 19-1527, City Departments / Vehicle Purchasing Authority / Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) / California Air Resources Board (CARB) Authority / Greenhouse Gas and Zero Emission Vehicle Standards / Ordinance. (Forgie) (Board Packet) (Postponed from 10/20/20 meeting) 8.A.ii Approve a CIS in support of CF 19-1586 MOTION: Approve a CIS in support of CF 19-1586, Consolidated Rent-A-Car (CONRAC) Facility / Air Pollution Reduction / Electric Vehicles Availability. (Forgie) (Board Packet) (Postponed from 10/20/20 meeting) 8.B.i Approve a CIS in Opposition to CF 20-1376 MOTION: Approve a CIS in Opposition to CF 20-1376, LA Alliance v City and County of Los Angeles / Martin v City of Boise / Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals / Los Angeles Municipal Code / Amendment. (Nuni) (Board Packet) 8.C.i Approve a letter requesting more thorough communication between LFNC and Riverside ABH site managers. MOTION: Approve a letter requesting more thorough communication between LFNC and Riverside ABH site managers. (Collins) (Board Packet). 10.A Approve up to $500 for new LFNC website on WIX platform. FUNDING MOTION: Approve up to $500 for new LFNC website on WIX platform. (Vacher) 10.B DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Name a chair or co-chairs for 2021 LFNC Election 11.A Approve the Apple One Invoice 01-5711835 for $256 11.B Approve the October 2020 MERs. 12. Approve the October 20th, 2020 Governing Board Meeting Minutes