Lake Woebegone Board regular meeting Octubre 1, 2020 Zoom Draft minutes — not yet approved [12:13 pm] Meeting called to order. Martin King presiding. [12:13 pm] The roll was called. Present (3): Ralph Abernathy, Martin King, y Fred Shuttlesworth Absent (1): Joseph Lowery [12:14 pm] En el punto de la A, Martin King hizo una moción para "Approve funding up to $1000 for party." [12:14 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to: "Approve funding up to $1000 for party." Ayes (2): Ralph Abernathy y Martin King Noes (1): Fred Shuttlesworth Abstentions (1): Joseph Lowery The motion passed. [12:15 pm] Ralph Abernathy arrived at the meeting [12:15 pm] Fred Shuttlesworth left the meeting [12:15 pm] Presentation by LAPD SLO Veracruz. [12:16 pm] Meeting adjourned. La junta vecinal no computa como votos las abstenciones.