West Adams Board Regular Meeting
October 21, 2024 6:30 pm
Draft minutes — not yet approved Edit Approval
[6:45 pm] Meeting called to order. Quintus Jett presiding. Edit
[6:45 pm] The roll was called.
- Present (7): Jace Dawson, Dorsay Dujon, Quintus Jett, Blake Lynch, Steven Meeks, Brian Piatek, and Richard Williams
- Absent (7): Angela Gilbert, Tora Miller, Brandy A. Robinson, Connye Thomas, VACANT , VACANT, and Juilio Valdez
[6:46 pm] Tracy - Thank Brian, Quintus , Dorsay for their contribution to the Congress of Neighborhoods AIA / ACLA - Opened new building on Crenshaw/ Adams. Open to hosting an event and meetings. Edit
[6:50 pm] Ethan Edwards, Field Rep from Assembly Member Isaac Bryans office Jonathan Mitchell - CD10 Field Deputy : Affordable Housing Workshop October 29th on Washington Blvd 6 -8p Auto body shop has stored multiple cars on Vineyard. Jonathan asks we continue to report them. The city has to prove that the business is conducting business off site. *Nothing can be done if the vehicle moves every 72 hours * Edit
[7:07 pm] CIS 24-1194: Mayor's Appointment for New Police Chief Candidate Filing Date - December 6th - January 20th December 3rd - ELections meeting for board members Musa Khan - Election Rep Christoper Galindo - Planning Rep Edit
[7:15 pm] Angela Gilbert arrived at the meeting. Editar
[7:16 pm] 7A - Presentation about Stella Elementary Charter Academy. https://brightstarschools.org/SECA Requesting a letter of support from WANC Board. Edit
[7:42 pm] President Jett is referring the approval letter to the outreach committee for action and planning. Second Wednesday of every month. Education Committee Meetings First Thursday of every month Edit
[7:47 pm] 4B. President Jett - Referred to Standing Rules changes to the Rules committee. Edit
[7:49 pm]Brian Piatek made a motion related to agenda item 5a.
The motion was:
Motion to MER 2024 September
[7:50 pm] The assembly voted on a motion to:
Motion to MER 2024 September
- Ayes (8): Jace Dawson, Dorsay Dujon, Angela Gilbert, Quintus Jett, Blake Lynch, Steven Meeks, Brian Piatek, and Richard Williams
- Noes (0): none
The motion passed.
[7:54 pm] Treasurer Piatek - Shared Helpful link on Neighborhood Purpose Grants. https://clerk.lacity.gov/clerk-services/nc-funding/documents-forms/npg-documents Edit
[7:57 pm] Richard Williams left the meeting. Edit
[8:00 pm] Steven Meeks left the meeting. Edit
[8:09 pm] Dorsay Dujon has resigned from the executive committee as the secretary. Edit
[8:13 pm] Meeting adjourned.