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West Adams Executive Committee Regular Meeting

April 8, 2024 6:30 pm


Draft minutes — not yet approved Edit Approval

[6:49 pm] Meeting called to order. Quintus Jett presiding. Edit

Edit Roll Call

[6:50 pm] The roll was called.

  • Present (4): Dorsay Dujon, Quintus Jett, Blake Lynch, and Brian Piatek
  • Absent (1): John Ma

[6:50 pm] Public Comment: Over the past week she and Board Member Piatek witnessed a group of 9 men tagging in the neighborhood on 2 days in the middle of day. *says West Blvd Crips amongst other obscenities. Potomac & 28th Adams & Somerset Edit

[6:54 pm] Stakeholder: Increase of drag racing near jefferson. Edit

[6:59 pm] Public Comment: - $30 Payment reimbursement - Time it takes to be reimbursement - The Shower of Hope banner has not been paid for due to questions from the treasure. - Street Banners Edit

[7:14 pm] Things to add - Information about speed humps - Reimbursement/ Invoicing/ Payment Process for WANC - Committee Reports - MERs - CUV - Congress of Neighborhoods - Budget Special Meeting Edit