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West Adams Executive Committee Regular Meeting

May 15, 2024 6:30 pm


Draft minutes — not yet approved Edit Approval

[6:46 pm] Meeting called to order. Quintus Jett presiding. Edit

Edit Roll Call

[6:46 pm] The roll was called.

  • Present (4): Dorsay Dujon, Quintus Jett, Blake Lynch, and Brian Piatek
  • Absent (0): none

[6:46 pm] Brian Recommended for agenda - Order Business Cards with new email address possibly $600 - Need to include Treasurers Report - PrePay Storage Rent 3 Months in advance - Roll Out new email address Guidelines - Key of Mailbox - Who Has them Quintus - Baldwin Hills 80th Anniversary Event coming up Dorsay - Would like us to host an event with a budget of up to $3k in next quarter. Edit

[7:06 pm] Quintus would like us to look into Canvasing opportunities for WANC to increase participation and awareness. Quintus to follow up with DONE on List of Faithbased & Community Organizations in West Adams Blake to share a list of active businesses in West Adams https://data.lacity.org/Administration-Finance/Listing-of-Active-Businesses/6rrh-rzua/data Edit

[7:11 pm] Dorsay proposed hosting some type of community day to discuss the future of West Adams. Brain shared that WANC has participated in something similar with Virginia Road Elementary. Edit

[7:16 pm] Cento Pasta Liquor License still needs to be discussed by Board Edit

[7:18 pm] Special Meeting in June for with the Planning Committee, CD10 Planner, and State Reps. Edit

[7:26 pm] Admin Packet due in June Second Tuesday of June Finance Meeting Edit

[7:52 pm] Meeting adjourned.