West Adams Rules Committee Special Meeting
October 26, 2024 3:00 pm
Draft minutes — not yet approved Edit Approval
[3:07 pm] Meeting called to order. Connye Thomas presiding. Edit
[3:07 pm] The roll was called.
- Present (3): Jace Dawson, Blake Lynch, and Connye Thomas
- Absent (1): Quintus Jett
[3:08 pm] Jace will mention the opportunity to join the rules committee board members and stakeholders. Connye would like us to check if there is a limit on the number of committees a stake holder may serve on? Edit
[3:14 pm] The committee is looking into revising the rules for virtual meetings from the COVID-era virtual meetings. Edit
[3:26 pm] Potential meeting on Monday & Wednesday after 6p. November 11th at 6pm find where the standing rules mention land use committee authority to update with language re cannabis approvals Edit
[3:48 pm] Formation of the Elections SubCommittee needs to be brought to the general body Committee to explore funding needs for election materials. Edit
[4:15 pm] Meeting adjourned.