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Vote event

Agenda Item: 11

Approve CIS in opposition of Council File 21-0002-S18 (SB9, Atkins; Housing Development Ministerial Approval / Duplex and Parcel Map Division / Environmental Review Exemption) and in support of SB9, to allow for by-right duplexes and lot splits. Position A (Jon O, Amy): zoning for affordable units of housing, not just zoning for building high density; free hand to develop high-cost housing/unaffordable. Position B (Jacob, Jeff): remove restrictive zoning and make it easier to develop more quickly and efficiently as California has not moved as much on housing development in the last 10 years since WWII.

Voting at: 8:22 pm

Name Yes No Abstain Absent Ineligible Recused Undo
Aida Ashouri
Andrew Chittenden
Jon Deutsch
Frank Greer
Amy Gustincic
Jamie Hunt
Victoria Kraus
Dan McNamara
Jeff Miller
Dan Neilan
Josh Nuni
Jon Owyang
Danny Rocco
Mary Sepler-King
Matt Sollett
Jacob Wasserman
Totals 4 4 0 8 0 0
Result failed