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Hollywood Studio District Reunión Regular de la Junta

Julio 11, 2022 6:30 pm


Certificaciones de acción de la junta

Ítem de agenda Texto Ver Descargar
5.a. Approve the June 13, 2022 meeting minutes.
6.b. Adopt the bylaws as amended.
6.d. Appoint David Meyer to the vacant at-large board seat.
6.e. Appoint Hayden Bernard to a vacant resident seat on the HSDNC board.
6.f. Appoint Nitzan Levinson to a vacant business seat on the HSDNC board.
6.g. Approve the election information worksheet as presented.
6.i. Appoint David Meyer as chair of the bylaws, selection, & election committee.
6.j. Appoint Hayden Bernard as chair of the public safety committee.
6.k. Appoint Nitzan Levinson as chair of the youth committee.
6.r. Refer the motion to host a candidate forum for CD-13 to the Outreach Committee
7.a. Adopt the 2022 Administrative packet