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Hollywood Studio District Bylaws, Selection, & Election Reunión Regular del Comité

Junio 7, 2021 6:00 pm

Teleconference meeting. Attend through Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/98253890617) or by phone (1-669-900-6833, meeting id 982 5389 0617)


Approved on Septiembre 6, 2021 Editar Aprobación

[6:13 pm] Reunión convocada al orden. Damien Burke presidiendo. Editar

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[6:13 pm] Se pasó lista.

  • Presente (3) Damien Burke, Kate Pynoos, y Michael Tessler
  • Ausente (0) Ninguno

[6:15 pm]Se hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 6 de la agenda.

La moción fue: Approve the minutes from the January 4, 2021 meeting.


[6:15 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Approve the minutes from the January 4, 2021 meeting.
  • Sí (2): Damien Burke y Kate Pynoos
  • No (0): ninguno
  • Abstenciones (1): Michael Tessler

La moción fue aprobada.


[6:19 pm]Kate Pynoos hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 7 de la agenda.

La moción fue: Recommend that the HSDNC Board appoint Sarah Serrano to the vacant neighborhood 6 seat.


[6:22 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Recommend that the HSDNC Board appoint Sarah Serrano to the vacant neighborhood 6 seat.
  • Sí (3): Damien Burke, Kate Pynoos, y Michael Tessler
  • No (0): ninguno

La moción fue aprobada.


[6:23 pm]Se hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 8 de la agenda.

La moción fue: Recommended that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by changing Article VI, Section 2, subsection A, item 5 from: “Ex-official member of all Committees” To: “Ex-officio member of all Committees”


[6:24 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Recommended that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by changing Article VI, Section 2, subsection A, item 5 from: “Ex-official member of all Committees” To: “Ex-officio member of all Committees”
  • Sí (3): Damien Burke, Kate Pynoos, y Michael Tessler
  • No (0): ninguno

La moción fue aprobada.


[6:25 pm]Se hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 9 de la agenda.

La moción fue: Recommended that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by changing Article VII, Section 3, subsection B, second paragraph, second sentence from: “Quorum for Ad Hoc Committees shall be 50% plus one (1) of the number of Ad Hoc Committee Members.“ to: “Quorum for Ad Hoc Committees shall be more than half of the number of Ad Hoc Committee Members."


[6:27 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Recommended that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by changing Article VII, Section 3, subsection B, second paragraph, second sentence from: “Quorum for Ad Hoc Committees shall be 50% plus one (1) of the number of Ad Hoc Committee Members.“ to: “Quorum for Ad Hoc Committees shall be more than half of the number of Ad Hoc Committee Members."
  • Sí (3): Damien Burke, Kate Pynoos, y Michael Tessler
  • No (0): ninguno

La moción fue aprobada.


[6:28 pm]Damien Burke hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 10 de la agenda.

La moción fue: Recommend that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by changing Article X, Section 4 from: “Voters will verify their Stakeholder status through documentation. Stakeholder status may also be established by means of declaring a stake (or interest) in the neighborhood and providing the facts to support that declaration.” to: “Voters will verify their Stakeholder status through self-affirmation.”


[6:44 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Recommend that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by changing Article X, Section 4 from: “Voters will verify their Stakeholder status through documentation. Stakeholder status may also be established by means of declaring a stake (or interest) in the neighborhood and providing the facts to support that declaration.” to: “Voters will verify their Stakeholder status through self-affirmation.”
  • Sí (3): Damien Burke, Kate Pynoos, y Michael Tessler
  • No (0): ninguno

La moción fue aprobada.


[6:45 pm]Damien Burke hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 11 de la agenda.

La moción fue: Recommended that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by a) Changing the first sentence of Article V section 2 subsection A. 1 from: “There shall be one seat for each of the seven Neighborhoods; each seat shall be open to any Stakeholder 16 years of age or older who lives within that Neighborhood.” to: “These seats shall be open to any Stakeholders 16 years of age or older who live within the boundaries of the HSDNC.” b) removing Article V section 2 “Internal Boundries” in its entirety, and c) Updating the Appendices accordingly.


[6:54 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Recommended that the HSDNC modifies the bylaws by a) Changing the first sentence of Article V section 2 subsection A. 1 from: “There shall be one seat for each of the seven Neighborhoods; each seat shall be open to any Stakeholder 16 years of age or older who lives within that Neighborhood.” to: “These seats shall be open to any Stakeholders 16 years of age or older who live within the boundaries of the HSDNC.” b) removing Article V section 2 “Internal Boundries” in its entirety, and c) Updating the Appendices accordingly.
  • Sí (3): Damien Burke, Kate Pynoos, y Michael Tessler
  • No (0): ninguno

La moción fue aprobada.

[7:00 pm] Reunión aplazada.