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Hollywood Studio District Bylaws, Selection, & Election Committee Regular Meeting

September 6, 2021 6:00 pm

Teleconference meeting. Attend through Zoom ( or by phone (1-669-900-6833, meeting id 892 5564 8485)


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Welcome Remarks

4. General Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

Comments from the public on non-agenda items within the committee’s jurisdiction.

5. New Business

“Agendas for all Meetings shall include an item referring to the addition of agenda items for upcoming Meetings. Stakeholders shall have the opportunity to request items be placed on upcoming agendas at this time.” HSDNC Bylaws (art. VIII, sec. 2, par A)

6. Approval of the Minutes

Anticipated motion: Approve the minutes from the XXX, 2021 meeting.

7. Board Vacancies

Kamal Hassan has submitted an application to be appointed to a vacant At-Large seat on the HSDNC Board. “Any stakeholder interested in filling a vacant seat shall also present themselves at a Bylaws, Selection, and Elections Committee meeting to receive a formal recommendation to the Board. During the meeting, the committee shall ensure that the applicant meets the criteria for the vacant seat” HSDNC Bylaws (art. V, sec. 6, par. B)

Anticipated motion: Find that Kamal Hassan is qualified to hold the vacant At-Large seat on the HSDNC Board and recommend that the HSDNC appoint them to the At-Large seat.

8. Ex-officio officers

On June 7, this committee recommended that the HSDNC Board amend the Bylaws (art VI, sec 2(A)(5)) to change "Ex-official" to "Ex-officio".

9. Committee quorum

On June 7, this committee recommended the HSDNC Board change the Bylaws (art VII, section 3(B)) to make quorum for Ad Hoc Committees a majority of the number of committee members.

10. Voter requirements

On June 7, this committee recommended that the HSDNC Board change the Bylaws (art X, sec 4) to state that “Voters will verify their Stakeholder status through self-affirmation.”

11. Residential subdistricts

On June 7, this committee recommended that the HSDNC Board change the Bylaws to remove internal boundaries for the residential seats.

12. Instant Run-Off Elections

Instant run-off elections can be implemented by adding the following language to article X of the bylaws: "A majority of votes is necessary to win. Instant run-off voting will be used if no majority is obtained. Instant run-off voting is defined as follows: voters rank candidates in order of choice: first, second, third and so on. If anyone receives a majority of the first choice votes, that candidate is elected. If not, the last place candidate is defeated, and all ballots are counted again, but this time each ballot cast for the defeated candidate counts for the next choice candidate listed on the ballot. The process of eliminating the last place candidate and recounting ballots continues until one (1) candidate receives a majority of the vote." (Example from Palms NC bylaws)

13. Board Size

14. Announcements

15. Adjournment