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West Adams Reunión Regular de la Junta

Octubre 16, 2023 6:30 pm


Draft minutes — not yet approved Editar Aprobación

[6:35 pm] Reunión convocada al orden. John Ma presidiendo. Editar

Editar Lista

[6:35 pm] Se pasó lista.

  • Presente (8) Dorsay Dujon, Quintus Jett, Marcia Jones, Blake Lynch, John Ma, Steven Meeks, Brian Piatek, y Richard Williams
  • Ausente (5) Jace Dawson, Tora Miller, Brandy A. Robinson, Connye Thomas, y Phillip Wiley

[6:39 pm] Blake Lynch read Robert’s Rules of Order provided by Robert’s Rules Made Easy Editar

[6:40 pm] Stake holder Comment - Can the WANC Board look into alternate meeting spaces? Also asked for clarity on Roberts Rules. Editar

[6:42 pm] Stakeholder Comment: Why are elected officials not showing up to meetings? How does WANC fill the vacant seats? Editar

[6:43 pm] Herman Jones - State Assembly Rep Introduction to the services that Rep Isaac Bryan's office provides He discussed the shared the role and responsibility of state assembly reps to their constituents. Shared information on AB421 that will take effect in 2025 Editar

[6:45 pm] Jessica Fox New LA Charter VP - Shared information on the school’s opening. TK - 5th grade Virtual Open House is October 19th @6:30 Editar

[6:47 pm] Johnathan Mitchell - CD 10 Rep Reported that the Vineyard Lights are down due to materials stolen from the main control box. Mitchell will connect with Officer Whiteman to have increased patrol in area to combat racing and other crimes RVs parked at park on Boden St have been removed Library Trash and RV’s have been removed Editar

[6:52 pm] Marcia Jones resigned the from WANC board effectively immediately. Editar

[6:52 pm] Tora Miller llegó a la reunión. Editar

[6:53 pm] DD Watts, Running for school board Introduced herself to the board and stakeholders Editar

[6:53 pm] Rep from Mayor’s Office - South LA Introduced herself Editar

[6:54 pm] Octavino Rios Senate Bill 411 was approved by newsome City Council 23113 23114 - Tech Tools support to PCs Operationalize NCs starting virtual meetings WANC can weigh in with CIS and attending inperson meetings Editar

[6:57 pm] Steve Meeks Stepped Down to Address Board Meeks flag that WANC has not approved the land acknowledgement to be read at board meetings. He would like WANC to seek input directly from natives communities instead of just ceremonial actions. Editar

[6:58 pm] Steve Meeks returned to Board Seat Editar

[6:59 pm] Stakeholder Comment: Can WANC look into joining Newsome's pilot program for Speed Cameras ? Editar

[7:01 pm] Quintus Jett - Executive Board Announcements • Board members: meeting-attendance policies; earlier arrival and set up • Board members: WANC Operating protocols (e.g., meeting calendar & communications) • Stakeholders: Submitting requests for WANC discussion and action. • Stakeholders: Membership in (sub)committees Editar

[7:08 pm] Ryan T. Hall from the office of our California State Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas Encouraging stakeholders to utilize state rep services Any state issue like: Helps with constituents needs Works place safety Scam Prevention SB497 - Equal Pay Auto Repair Editar


[7:14 pm]John Ma hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 5 de la agenda.

La moción fue: Motion to Approve July 2023 Monthly Expense Report (MEP).


[7:18 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Motion to Approve July 2023 Monthly Expense Report (MEP).
  • Sí (8): Dorsay Dujon, Quintus Jett, Blake Lynch, John Ma, Steven Meeks, Tora Miller, Brian Piatek, y Richard Williams
  • No (0): ninguno
  • Recusado (1): Marcia Jones

[7:20 pm]John Ma hizo una moción relacionada con el tema 5C de la agenda.

La moción fue: reimburse Brian Piatek up to $350 for WANC Storage Rental.


[7:21 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Reimburse Brian Piatek up to $350 for WANC Storage Rental
  • Sí (8): Dorsay Dujon, Quintus Jett, Blake Lynch, John Ma, Steven Meeks, Tora Miller, Brian Piatek, y Richard Williams
  • No (0): ninguno
  • Recusado (1): Marcia Jones

La moción fue aprobada.

[7:30 pm] Board Discussion about the logistics around taste of soul - Sign Up is open 4 Hour Increments Sign Ups John Ma will follow up with details Editar

[7:47 pm] Finance Committee Report Announced Next Meeting Editar

[7:48 pm] Dorsay Presented Outreach & Arts and Culture Committee Report Editar

[7:51 pm] Tora Miller, Dorsay, John will Take lead on board motion Editar


[7:54 pm]Quintus Jett hizo una moción.

La moción fue: Approve November 15th Special Meeting to discuss and amend draft standing rules


[7:56 pm] La asamblea votó una moción para:

Approve November 15th Special Meeting to discuss and amend draft standing rules
  • Sí (8): Dorsay Dujon, Quintus Jett, Blake Lynch, John Ma, Steven Meeks, Tora Miller, Brian Piatek, y Richard Williams
  • No (0): ninguno
  • Recusado (1): Marcia Jones

La moción fue aprobada.

[8:01 pm] Reunión aplazada.