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West Adams Board Regular Meeting

May 20, 2024 6:30 pm

Board action certifications

Agenda Item Text View Download
5d3 Motion to approve Updated 20024 Letter of Support for the City of Los Angeles Ballona Creek Multi-Use Path Extension and Connections Project http://finishthecreek.com/
6F Approve WANC advertising NTE $2000 through the City of Los Angeles’ Bus Bench and Bus Shelter Ads for NCs program.
5d3 Approve funding a table for the West Adams NC including light refreshments NTE (Not to Exceed) $250 for the Baldwin Hills Elementary School’s 80th anniversary celebration on Saturday, June 1.
6b Motion to Approve April MER approve
5B file a (Community Impact Statement (CIS) or board resolution) to authorize the use of teleconferencing for Neighborhood Council meetings, including board meetings and committee meetings, in accordance with the rules established by Senate Bill 411 and the subsequent motion passed by the City Council on November 1, 2023. The special teleconferencing rules available to Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils are necessary to empower increased accessibility and participation of community stakeholders in WANC discussions, decisions, operations, and activities. [A previous motion was passed in November 2023 with 9 yes and 0 no votes, short of the 10 votes required to achieve 2/3 of the total board seats of 15).
6G AV equipment NTE $3400 to facilitate remote meetings consistent with the guidelines published by EmpowerLA, BONC and the LA City Council
6E Approve the spending of an additional $1000 for the 2024 Congress of Neighborhoods event on Saturday, September 28 at City Hall (theme: Neighborhood Power, Citywide Impact: The Next 25 Years Start Now); $250 approved for Fall 2023, each of the 99 Neighborhood Councils requested to contribute at least $1,000 (most common NC contribution), while aiming to exceed approximate 20% NC participation rate from last year. https://www.neighborhoodcongress.la
6H Approve to plan a stakeholder outreach event NTE $3000 to promote West Adams NC in August 2024.
5D Motion to approve WANC business cards for each Board members NTE $600 total.
5C4 Appointment of Tora Miller as the homelessness liaison Blake Lynch as the Grievance review motion