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Evento de votación

Ítem de agenda:

Recommend that the Department of City Planning make the approval of the conditional use permit at 6055 Carlton Way conditional on the following changes to the landscaping plan: 1). Fig vines are to be planted on the west side of the existing iron fence via sidewalk cut outs; 2). Bougainvillea or fig vine are to be grown on/between the pillars of the east side of fence; 3). Parkway landscaping must have an automatic irrigation system, not hand watering as proposed; 4). The color of the existing black, iron fence is to be painted a lighter shade to lessen its overbearing appearance; 5). Daily maintenance of the parkway is required (i.e. trash pick up and gardening).

Votando en: 7:07 pm

Nombre No Abstenerse Ausente Inelegible Recusado Anular
Damien Burke
Anthony Conley
Grace Contangco
Milton Cruz
Laura Graves
Doug Haines
Frankie Holt
Dasler Jimenez
Guy Langman
Bill Murphy
Kate Pynoos
Benjamin Rosen
John Franklin Sierra
Rosalinda Sierra
Michael Tessler
Theodore Wachtel
Totales 12 0 0 4 0 0
Resultado passed