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Hollywood Studio District Board Regular Meeting

March 8, 2021 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting


VII.A.. Approve minutes

Anticipated motion: Approve the February 8, 2021 meeting minutes.


Anticipated motion: Approve the MER for January 2021.

VIII. Budget reallocation

Anticipated motion: Approve budget reallocation of $10,000 General Expenditures/Outreach to Neighborhood Purpose Grants.

IX. Genevieve's Garden

Anticipated motion: Approve Neighborhood Purpose Grant for $5,000 for Genevieve’s Garden.

X. Covenant House

Anticipated motion: Approve Neighborhood Purpose Grant for up to $5,000 for Covenant House CA.

XI. Lauren on Youth Committee

Anticipated motion: Ratify the appointment of Lauren Meserge to the HSDNC Youth Committee.

XII. CF 21-0031 CARE+ Cleanups

Anticipated motion: Submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of CF 21-0031.

XIII. CF 21-0062 renter's relief

Anticipated motion: Submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of CF 21-0062.

XIV. CF 21-0051

Anticipated motion: Submit the resolution as read/as amended as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0062.

XV. CF 21-0113 Project Roomkey

Anticipated motion: Submit the resolution as read/as amended as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0113.