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Hollywood Studio District Board Regular Meeting

March 8, 2021 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting


VII.A.. Approve minutes

Anticipated motion Approve the February 8, 2021 meeting minutes.


Anticipated motion Approve the MER for January 2021.

VIII. Budget reallocation

Anticipated motion Approve budget reallocation of $10,000 General Expenditures/Outreach to Neighborhood Purpose Grants.

IX. Genevieve's Garden

Anticipated motion Approve Neighborhood Purpose Grant for $5,000 for Genevieve’s Garden.

X. Covenant House

Anticipated motion Approve Neighborhood Purpose Grant for up to $5,000 for Covenant House CA.

XI. Lauren on Youth Committee

Anticipated motion Ratify the appointment of Lauren Meserge to the HSDNC Youth Committee.

XII. CF 21-0031 CARE+ Cleanups

Anticipated motion Submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of CF 21-0031.

XIII. CF 21-0062 renter's relief

Anticipated motion Submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of CF 21-0062.

XIV. CF 21-0051

Anticipated motion Submit the resolution as read/as amended as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0062.

XV. CF 21-0113 Project Roomkey

Anticipated motion Submit the resolution as read/as amended as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in SUPPORT of Council File 21-0113.