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Hollywood Studio District Board Regular Meeting

July 12, 2021 6:00 pm

Virtual Meeting


8a. Approve the May 18, 2021 meeting minutes

Anticipated motion: Approve the May 18, 2021 meeting minutes

8b. Approve MER for May 2021

Anticipated motion: Approve MER for May 2021

8c. Approve MER for June 2021

Anticipated motion: Approve MER for June 2021

8d. Approve the HSDNC Administrative Packet Annual Budget 2021 - 2022

Anticipated motion: Approve the HSDNC Administrative Packet Annual Budget 2021 - 2022

8e. 2nd Bank Cardholder

Anticipated motion: Appoint 2nd Bank Cardholder for fiscal year 2021-2022

8f. Bylaws "Ex-official" typo

Anticipated motion: Amend typographical error in HSDNC Bylaws Art VI, Section 2(A)(5).

8g. Ad-hoc committee quorum

Anticipated motion: Amend the language in Article VII, Section 3(B) to reduce ad hoc committee quorum to a majority of committee members.

8h. Reduce barriers to voting in HSDNC elections

Anticipated motion: Modify the bylaws to allow voters to verify their Stakeholder status through self-affirmation.

8i. Reduce barriers for HSDNC residents to become HSDNC board members

Anticipated motion: Modify the HSDNC Bylaws to remove internal boundaries for resident board seats.

9a. Appoint Sarah Serrano

Anticipated motion: Appoint Sarah Serrano to the vacant neighborhood 6 seat.

10a. Sidewalk Project NPG

Anticipated motion: Approve funding up to $2,000 for the Sidewalk Project Neighborhood Purpose Grant.

10b. Lending Relief NPG

Anticipated motion: Approve funding up to $2,000 for Lending Relief Neighborhood Purpose Grant.

10c. Benekit NPG

Anticipated motion: Approve funding up to $2,000 for Benekit Neighborhood Purpose Grant.

11c. LAPD officer-involved explosion

Anticipated motion: Submit the Community Impact Statement (CIS) on the LAPD explosions in South Central Los Angeles.