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Hollywood Studio District Board Regular Meeting

July 12, 2021 6:00 pm

Virtual Meeting


8a. Approve the May 18, 2021 meeting minutes

Anticipated motion Approve the May 18, 2021 meeting minutes

8b. Approve MER for May 2021

Anticipated motion Approve MER for May 2021

8c. Approve MER for June 2021

Anticipated motion Approve MER for June 2021

8d. Approve the HSDNC Administrative Packet Annual Budget 2021 - 2022

Anticipated motion Approve the HSDNC Administrative Packet Annual Budget 2021 - 2022

8e. 2nd Bank Cardholder

Anticipated motion Appoint 2nd Bank Cardholder for fiscal year 2021-2022

8f. Bylaws "Ex-official" typo

Anticipated motion Amend typographical error in HSDNC Bylaws Art VI, Section 2(A)(5).

8g. Ad-hoc committee quorum

Anticipated motion Amend the language in Article VII, Section 3(B) to reduce ad hoc committee quorum to a majority of committee members.

8h. Reduce barriers to voting in HSDNC elections

Anticipated motion Modify the bylaws to allow voters to verify their Stakeholder status through self-affirmation.

8i. Reduce barriers for HSDNC residents to become HSDNC board members

Anticipated motion Modify the HSDNC Bylaws to remove internal boundaries for resident board seats.

9a. Appoint Sarah Serrano

Anticipated motion Appoint Sarah Serrano to the vacant neighborhood 6 seat.

10a. Sidewalk Project NPG

Anticipated motion Approve funding up to $2,000 for the Sidewalk Project Neighborhood Purpose Grant.

10b. Lending Relief NPG

Anticipated motion Approve funding up to $2,000 for Lending Relief Neighborhood Purpose Grant.

10c. Benekit NPG

Anticipated motion Approve funding up to $2,000 for Benekit Neighborhood Purpose Grant.

11c. LAPD officer-involved explosion

Anticipated motion Submit the Community Impact Statement (CIS) on the LAPD explosions in South Central Los Angeles.