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Hollywood Studio District Board Special Meeting

October 11, 2021 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting


8a. September 13, 2021 meeting minutes

Anticipated motion Approve the September 13, 2021 meeting minutes

8b. MER for September 2021

Anticipated motion Approve MER for September 2021

9a. Stephanie Sun

Anticipated motion Appoint Stephanie Sun to the vacant residential 1 seat which term will end on June 2022

9b. Kali Mutty

Anticipated motion Appoint Kali Mutty to the vacant business tenant seat which term will end on June 2022

9c. Kali on Bylaws

Anticipated motion Ratify the appointment of Kali Mutty to the Bylaws, Selection and Election Committee.

9d. Alternate signer

Anticipated motion Appoint Anthony Conley as the Alternate Signer to the HSDNC Board.

10b. Thai CDC Beautify LA Grant